Tuesday, September 20

Since We've Been Talking Motherhood...

     My baby is a year old. That's hard to believe. He trots all over the house. And investigates everything. I feel like all I do is say "No" all day long. Children definitely do not "get it", after only one or two times. It's line upon line, precept upon precept, for years on end I suppose. The whole parenting thing does not get easier with time, that's for sure.  By the time I get done raising my kids I can give the pat answer to anyone that asks me child training questions, "I don't know how I did it. There but for the Grace of God go I..."  And I am glad for the older women in my life that don't have answers, but they do understand and say, "Yes, I remember that stage." And my MIL told me once," It's good to at least start with ideals, they might not work, but at least you had them to start with." And in lots of ways, I have the easy stage now. No worries about potty training. Nor about schooling. Or running out to the road. Or what they are listening to, or viewing online. Or who their friends are. Or if they are following Christ. I just have to make sure Benny has food, clothing, and plenty of hugs and kisses. But,  every other stage of parenting has it's blessings as well.  In the end, all that matters is that they grow up to love and serve Jesus.


  1. I'm anxious to see that Benny boy.

  2. I like what you said about this being the easy stage. Although I am to where I need to potty train Jube (I know, Mom, he's not three yet), I am glad we're still not to the big things in life, like friends, and what they're viewing online, etc.
