Wednesday, July 18

Our Saturday Project

We live by a busy highway. Think loaded logging trucks. We have a busy two year old that moves, fast! And even though he informs me, "Road no-no," he is not to be trusted outside by himself. So, our solution.... a fenced in play area. We collected the materials and recruited help.
This is before we started Sat.  Clark had worked on it some by himself two other days. 
Mom came down in the morning as we got started. Benny was more then happy to "help" (hinder?). 
I could sit on a chair and help hold pickets in place. :)
The rest of the family trickled in over the course of the day. Lance cut lots and lots of pickets. Brad mowed the lawn. 

I didn't really help that much. 
 Abbey found a flower bed to weed. Francis helped her and Lance by turns. Amy found a house to clean. 
The neighbor came over with a wagon his children have outgrown. Benny was delighted with his "cuk" (truck).
And we got it finished! 7 1/2 hours of hard work. And it was hot that day too. 
We just need to make the gates yet.  Many many thanks to the family for helping.  
It looks really nice the way it is now, but I want to paint it sometime to keeping it from deteriorating. 

Clark's comment after we were done, "I feel like I got my summer back now." Yay! Maybe we can go fishing now.
PS. Photo credits to Clark and Mom.


  1. It looks really, really nice! It is difficult to watch a toddler outside. I happen to know. :)

  2. I have been so thankful that my yard is walled in. I don't worry about my children escaping the front lawn unless the gate doesn't happen to be closed. The other day I discovered Havilah had escaped! She toddled down the walk and out she went. Stinker. So we have to really watch that we remember the shut the gate. -Lisl

  3. I like your fence, it will look very nice painted, too. My fence needs a new coat of paint. Thanks for the update! JMB

  4. The primary advantage to paint will be appearance. It will take that treated lumber a long time to deteriorate. Wait until the wood is dry enough that water soaks in when sprinkled on it rather than beading up. Personally, I haven't had the best luck painting treated lumber.
