Tuesday, December 8

Odds 'n Ends

We are digging out from a minor snowstorm. Supposedly it was a major storm, but the 'major' part was south of us. We only got about 6 in. or so as opposed to the 8 to 12" we were forecast to get. Oh well, we just won't be as snowed in as we were dreaming. Clark is out using the snow blower before dark.
One thing I really enjoy about living in the north woods are the winters here. Somehow they are very 'storybook', with the snow clinging to the pines. We walked down to the bridge this morning, it was very cold and windy, but the walk was worth it anyway.
The first few snow falls always put me in a domestic mood. I undertook to clean my bedroom today. My house attracts spiders big time, and the bedroom was getting very bad. The house chore that I like the least is washing windows, maybe because my windows are a pain to clean. I have 72 window panes in my house, four to a window. And they are trailer house windows, so they have to be dismantled every time I wash them. It's torture on the fingers!

My husband and I were discussing our hobbies this morning; mine is scrapbooking and his is photography. And each of us has on our wish list some things that we would like to have relating to that hobby. However each of us feels out of our depth buying something for the other's hobby. An amusing predicament indeed! Actually I think buying gifts for men is hard, but ladies are very easy, of course. While he thinks the same thing about ladies vs. men! :)

I need to be studying for the ladies monthly Bible study next week. I'm going to do the lesson on Mary the mother of Jesus. So if anyone who reads this is going to be in attendance, that's who you should think about. I've never done anything quite like this before, so it will be a stretching experience. Clark is supposed to be teaching Sunday School this week, so it will be interesting trying to juggle the computer between the two of us. What did people do before there were computers?

Lately I've watched a few movies based on some of Jane Austen's writings. Very interesting. I think those movies are better then the books, mostly because a person doesn't have to wade through the tedious writing. And I've heard that British movies tend to follow the story line more closely then American films. This fall I've also become a fan of L. M. Montgomery's books. She has a lot of real good true to life stuff in them, especially the 'Anne' series. Does anyone have any good ideas for a good book or series to read this winter?

Do you really listen to music when you have it on, or is it just a background noise? I tend to tune it out, especially if it's a mediocre song. If it's really good I listen to it, if it's really bad I turn the radio off. Then my husband comes home and says, "I can't believe some of the stuff you listen to!" And I was tuning it out and not hearing it. People try to figure out what kind of music I like. I don't know that myself. I finally decided my basic requirement is that it has good harmony, and the words have to be enunciated well enough to be understood. As in I can hear what's being sung with out having to pay close attention.

Am I really wicked if I don't send out Christmas cards? I'll send one to each of the grandparents, and I don't really think I'll send any to anyone else. But then I think about what if people don't send letters to me cause I didn't send any to them? So what should I do?

I decided after looking through a 'Taste of Home' cook book last night, that I'm not a gourmet cook. When I go grocery shopping I buy only the most basic ingredients. So I push my cart through the aisles with only a few items in it, mostly dairy and fresh produce. And the people in the checkout line have piles of food. So I'm trying to decide if we eat boring, or if they eat unnecessary food. Cooking isn't one of my first loves, but I don't hate it either. I just feel sometimes like I don't have very much imagination for cooking.

Anyway, I need to go finish putting my bedroom back in place. I have a friend coming to my house to scrapbook tomorrow, so I will get a few things ready for that as well. And I want to look through a few cookbooks and on the Internet, then make a shopping list of what I need to make Christmas cookies. I hope you aren't bored by now!


  1. Charlotte, that was just the perfect sort of post. Nice, rambling, and now we know what's on your mind. I would agree about Christmas shopping--Dru is quite difficult to shop for. I'm sure that other people are buying unnecessary food. Yes, you are probably wicked for not sending out Christmas cards but I don't think I'm going to get to it either. I honestly had not even thought of doing it until I read your blog. I'm not sure if I listen to music or not but I think I tend to. But I do tune it out sometimes to. It depends on how music starved I am a the time. Let's see, did I miss anything?

  2. Nope not bored! That was a post! I like those kind....
    I'm skipping the christmas card thing too...I'm just doing a little card for the church people here.
    If you want food ideas w/ basic ingredients go to pioneerwomen.com .
    Come here today...we'll make Christmas candies together. ~Amy

  3. Great post Charlotte. The Christmas card thing caught me. I'm not very faithful at it and unless you have faithful friends, which thankfully we have a few, your Christmas mail tends to fall off. So as a very last minute thing, and late at that, I'm going to send a few out this year. You're inspiring me to put on the Christmas music. I tend to like it quiet (well as quiet as it gets with 8 in the family) but I think I really am missing something. So I'm off to find some.
