Wednesday, August 31

Why I Haven't Posted In Awhile; Or My Complicated Life.

   See this was the month of August. The month I ran so fast I could hardly catch my breath. This week seems to be the capstone of living in a whirlwind.
  So, I got a jury summons in the mail two weeks ago. I need to appear this week. They wouldn't excuse me for being a SAHM and nursing a baby. I guess they figured an 11 month-old can survive without mommy for a day. Which I suppose is a reasonable expectation, but not for an 11 month-old that views big people food as an experiment. So, the complications of who to take care of him, and how and where. At this point it looks like it's going to have to be his Daddy. Because last Friday morning when Clark went to leave for work, his car refused to start. Which after some digging and testing and talking to others, he decided is a fuel pump problem. So, no car for me. Which means I have no way to get to the courthouse. And I refuse to go on public transportation. But, Clark needs to take off work so I can do my stupid jury thing. Which feels ridiculous to me, because I know that when I get in there, they'll likely kick me off anyway for religious conviction, and hopefully personal responsibilities. Which means I blow half a day for them to tell me what they could have just told me in the first place, without me having to go in there.
    Then last night Benny woke up with a fever. Today was the day I had slated to make salsa. I cannot make salsa and take care of a sick baby. And somehow sick babies and Daddy taking care of him while Mommy is in the courthouse don't seem to mix in my mind. The logistics of making everything work look impossible. Unless he wakes up from his nap and feels better; then I can go ahead with the salsa plan.
    Now, several weeks ago, before all this happened, Mom asked me to teach ladies SS. We're starting the book of James. So I had that added to my pile, but I really wanted to do it. Of course, the first four verses deal with having a calm cheerfulness while surrounded by trials. So we can become patient which makes us perfect. Why do we always get to put our learning into practice? And the next four verses deal with asking God for wisdom and being double minded. And I get to practice that too, because I have been praying really really hard that the trial gets settled out of court, so I don't have to mess up my life and someone else's and appear at the court house. Though the question I want to have answered is are those verses dealing just with asking for wisdom? Or is it for all of prayer life? And see I'm posting this before I know whether or not I have to go in tomorrow. I find out this eve. But I thought perhaps it would have more punch if I do it while I'm still in wondering and waiting mode. Because if I don't have to go in, then I can have this nice, pat story to put in here. And if I have to go in, well, then I have lots of questions, and disappointment, and likely I wouldn't put those on here. Though in the end I'm sure it would work out for the good anyway, and maybe there would still be a nice, pat story.
    So those are my thoughts for the day. Sometime soon hopefully, if and when life lets us breath again, we can do a post on our camping and Andrea's wedding.


  1. Charlotte...breathe out....there that's better. One more time....whew! I'm out of breath and stressed with my teeth clenched and back stiff as a bored too. Anyhow, I know how you feel. Just thought I'd remind you to relax a little..... for what it's worth. :) God Bless you.

  2. Amy, you've given Amber and I a good chuckle at just the right needy moment...thanks :)

  3. We just got internet here at our house in Canada, and I couldn't resist posting a comment. I understand your trepidation about jury duty, and am happy you got off of it. On the flip side, I had to do it about 6 weeks before our wedding, and was willing to do just about anything to get out of it. Lo and behold, out of the whole month, I was one of the 12 chosen for the one case that went through. You know what, though? I 100% thoroughly enjoyed it, much to me surprise! It was a great learning experience, and I think I would actually be excited to do it again!

    On another note, please pass along a HUGE thank you to Clark for helping with the video. I didn't have a chance to thank him properly there, and there has been no time whatsoever to even start on thank-you cards yet. Anyway, please do express our great appreciation! We're hoping to be able to watch it soon!

    Blessings to you!
