Wednesday, March 30

At Our House...

We discovered how to do this!
Sort of young I'd say. Such a little midget.
     We got 12(!) inches of snow last week. Not a good feeling, especially after having had spring for a week or two. This woman ended up with a roaring case of cabin fever. My poor husband! He was good about it though. One of the guys from church is doing VS in KY right now, and his sister told me that he said the daffodils are blooming in masses along the road side there. NO FAIR!!
      But spring is coming. Today on the way to town it was nice and warm, and I opened the car window just a teeny bit. Yesterday I saw a sow and two, cute, puppy-sized cubs by the road. Where else but in the Northwoods are bears a sign of spring instead of robins? Though I did hear a robin before it snowed. But not since, so they must have headed south again. I can't wait until it's warm enough to take my kiddo outside.

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