Sunday, March 27

Just A Thought....

Why can't we 'can' the busy times to use during the boring times, and vice versa? I really need a few jars of busy right now.


  1. Hmmm, I could send you a jar or two, do you have any "boring" jars to trade? ~GB

  2. It's just a state of mind, Clark. Make some busy! USE boring for create space. But if you're gonna CAN some,please remember me, too.

  3. Uh Mom, I didn't post that. That was Charlotte. I don't think you read it right. --Clark--

  4. Oh my! I so wished you lived next door to me. I can think of lots of things to fill your cans with. Some of them would probably not be too exciting to you, but I think some of them may work. :)
