Monday, May 23

Normal Bits of Life.

   I'll ramble and blather along and see if if I get something worth posting.
  • We finally have real spring and summer weather. The bird feeder was busy all day. I think Clark is going to post pictures he took earlier today. I think we figured out how to get rid of those stupid cowbirds. We found seed they don't like and the song birds do. 
  • My stupid computer mouse is acting up and keeps changing the fonts on my page. I do not appreciate it, especially as I can't figure out how to get it to revert to original size. 
  • I detail painted a part of my kitchen that I've wanted to for quite sometime. I sponge painted for the first time, and I love it. I think I'll do more of that. I don't have a picture to show you though. It's amazing how good a little thing like paint makes you feel.
  • I figured out today that I had a crocheting stitch wrong. Duh!!
  • My flower bed is planted in seeds. Morning glory, marigolds, four o'clock, cosmos, hollyhocks, butterfly weed, zinnias. We'll see what comes up. I need to get a few pansies to add color for right away. 
  • Next up, the garden. I am going to have a garden after all. And I am looking forward to it. 
  • I decided to paint the interior of my kitchen cupboards. After house cleaning and garden.
  • Benny has a severe case of Apron String Attachment Syndrome today. I think teeth are the culprit. It looks like he might get a bunch all at once, poor kid. Oh well, as mom says, he won't do it when he's 18. 
  • Chicken and potatoes for supper.
  • My font zoomed again. Whatever. 
  • We went to Duluth  on Saturday for our anniversary. Fun. We went to the Aquarium, drove across the Lift Bridge, and then went to Barnes & Noble. And I went to Hancock Fabric as well. There were two ore ships that went through while we were at the Aquarium, and we were always on the other side of the building and couldn't watch. There is way too much stuff to do in Duluth. You would have to spend a week there.  We came home with a few books and a game. Benny did super. Only he slept the whole way home and wanted to play until 11:30.
  • Consequently, we did not get out of bed until 8:20 Sunday morning.
  •  Stupid mouse.
  • Singing at church was wonderful. 
  • We hung out with the youth for Lance's birthday party. 
  • It stormed and the electricity was off for quite a few hours. 
  • You are likely getting tired of this. So I shall close.
  •  My washer emitted a greasy, hot rubber smell this morning. The Internet was off. The car did not want to start. Clark's comment: "You  can tell I have to teach Sunday School this week."
  • Goodbye  :)
  • Stupid font.